Ce carnet de notes cartonné au design classique exclusif (taille A6) avec fermeture élastique et 80 feuilles à lignes (80 g) est idéal pour écrire et partager des notes. Dispose d'une poche extensible à l'arrière pour garder de petits notes. Avec présentation dans étui cadeau Journalbooks.
173 résultats
Ce carnet de notes personnalisé cartonné au design classique exclusif (A5) avec fermeture élastique et 80 feuilles (80 g) de papier ligné est idéal pour l'écriture et le partage de notes. Dispose d'une poche extensible à l'arrière pour garder de petits notes. Avec présentation dans étui cadeau Journalbooks. Carton, Papier.
Ce carnet de notes cartonné au design classique exclusif avec fermeture élastique et 80 feuilles à lignes (80gr) est idéal pour écrire et partager des notes. Dispose d'une poche extensible à l'arrière pour garder de petites notes. Avec présentation dans étui cadeau Journalbooks.
Carnet à la couverture en papier recyclé avec 60 pages format A6 en papier recyclé à lignes et son stylo assorti. Le carnet et le stylo sont emballés ensemble.
Ce bloc-notes personnalisé en papier recyclé contient 40 feuilles à lignes de papier recyclé A7 et un stylo de couleur assortie. Stylos emballés séparément. Papier recyclé.
Our extra large Moleskine Classic notebook has the iconic round corners and hard cover. Features an elasticated closure and ribbon book marker. Expandable pocket to the inside back cover. Contains 192 pages of ruled ivory-coloured paper.
The Moleskine Classic hard cover notebook is now available in a medium size. It has the iconic rounded corners, elasticated closure and ribbon book marker. Expandable internal pocket to back cover. Contains 208 ivory-coloured ruled pages.
Pocket version (9x14cm) of the Moleskine Classic hard cover notebook. Available in a wide range of stylish vibrant colours, the notebook features a cardboard bound cover with rounded corners, acid free paper, a bookmark and elastic closure. On the first page in case of loss notice with space to jot down a reward for the finder. Attached to the back cover an expandable inner pocket that contains the Moleskine history. The pocket can be used for loose papers and notes. Contains 192 ivory-coloured ruled pages.
The Moleskine Classic XL (19x25cm) soft cover notebook is available in a wide range of stylish vibrant colours. The notebook features a cardboard soft cover with rounded corners, acid free paper, a bookmark and elastic closure. On the first page 'in case of loss notice' with space to jot down a reward for the finder. Attached to the back cover an expandable inner pocket that contains the Moleskine history. The pocket can be used for loose papers and notes. Contains 192 ivory-coloured ruled pages.
The Moleskine Classic large (13x21cm) soft cover notebook is available in a wide range of stylish vibrant colours. The notebook features a cardboard soft cover with rounded corners, acid free paper, a bookmark and elastic closure. On the first page in case of loss notice with space to jot down a reward for the finder. Attached to the back cover an expandable inner pocket that contains the Moleskine history. The pocket can be used for loose papers and notes. Contains 192 ivory-coloured ruled pages.
The Moleskine Classic soft cover notebook has a flexible cover in a range of bright colours. It has rounded corners, elasticated closure and ribbon bookmark. Contains 192 ivory-coloured ruled pages.
Features cardboard cover with rounded corners. Visible stitching to spine, with flap for collecting loose notes. Contains 80 70 gsm ivory-coloured ruled pages. Last 16 sheets are detachable. The unit quantity is one piece.